Friday, May 30, 2008

Here you go, Sweet Mary Sunshine!

My friend and fellow blogger, Sweet Mary Sunshine, tagged me, forcing me to finally post something, so here it goes:

1. What was I doing ten years ago?
Hmmm...The sucky answer is that I was doing the same thing I am now. So depressing! It was 1998 and I had been working at the newspaper for over a year. Back then two other reporters, who no longer work here, had attended Bemidji State with me and we all had worked on the campus newspaper, finally graduating to the "big leagues." Erika was four, and I do miss those days. She didn't text constantly on her phone back then and actually seemed to enjoy being in my presence. Oh, the good ol' days!

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order):
- Wrap a present for my friend in Norway, a month past her birthday. Whoops.
- Start marking things in our scary cluttered basement for our neighbor's garage sale.
- Somehow sneak out of the house without Erika knowing and go watch "Sex In the City" movie, which is rated R. I'm trying to figure out how I can do this AND get ready for the garage sale at the same time.
- Finish a lame story I'm working on.
- Take our dog Daisy on a walk.

3. Snacks I enjoy:
Anything cheesy or fresh fruit. Since I've been pregnant I've alternated between craving Mexican food (not TOO spicy) and fruit. Course I did this before I was pregnant so I can't really blame the baby on this one.

4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I would quit my job and be a stay-at-home mom who also travels to exotic locales, in addition to volunteering at my children's school. I've always wanted to volunteer at Romanian orphanages too, rocking and playing with orphaned babies. There are two programs that offer these types of trips. (Just like Sweet Mary Sunshine, only I was thinking Romanian orphans, not Fargo ones.) I'd also spend my summers on the lake, floating on a floatie all day, reading books.

5. Places I have lived:
-Pequot Lakes, MN
-Moorhead, MN
-Fargo, ND
-Murfreesboro, TN
-Nashville, TN
-Bemidji, MN
-Burnsville, MN
(That pretty much sums up my life!)

6. People I want to know more about: Hmmmm. All you faithful blog readers, feel free to do the same by leaving it in the comment section. I'd love to see if anyone actually reads the crap I write. :)

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