Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours ...

So I'm off to the dermatologist tomorrow to have him check out a strange mole on the side of my calf, something my ob/gyn was concerned about when I had an appt. a few weeks ago.

The problem is, I've actually been in the operating room when a doctor sawed off a chunk of someone's face once in order to remove the mole. I was there doing a story on skin cancer. I watched the blood oozing out of the incision site as he cut a square around the mole. They take more skin than you'd think when they do lob the mole off.

So now armed with this information — and flashbacks from the surgery — I'm hoping that I don't have to go through that tomorrow. I'm probably worrying for nothing, but I managed to get most of the newsroom chatting about moles today — and experiencing our own twisted adult version of "Show and Tell." My coworker Matt and I have strange moles located in nearly the exact same spot on our calves but his is much larger. How weird is that?

But we all concluded that it was even more strange that we know WAY too much about one another than is probably normal!

1 comment:

Sweet Mary Sunshine said...

So what did you find out?

Are you missing any large chunks of flesh? Strange weight-loss plan, if you ask me.