Madeline, now 13 months, is officially a walker! And nothing, not the cat, dog or our cabinets, are safe anymore.
It's funny how the simple act of walking is an incredible milestone. She's now trying to open doors, climbing on top of the coffee table (and falling off, too!) and trying to grab forbidden items off the counter.
Life in our home has become a game of strategy. Before I put her down to roam, I have to make sure the doors are shut, the dog is in the baby play gate (to protect her from Maddy), the dog water and food bowls are on the counter (she's dumped water on herself a half dozen times and been caught eating dog food) and ... the list goes on.
But with this freedom has come some fun rewards, too. She brings me and her daddy books to read to her, letting out an exuberant scream as she puts her arms up for us to put us on her lap. Her favorite books are "Piggies," "The Monster At The End Of The Book (was one of my fave's too!), "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!" (one of Erika's favorites) and "Llama, Llama Red Pajama."
Maddy has the funniest belly laughs and she loves to dance to music. Elmo is her absolute favorite. She plays with her talking Elmo doll and loves to watch "Sesame Street." My parents and I both DVR it so she can get her Elmo fix.
I'm getting excited for Maddy's second Christmas but we're a bit concerned about getting a tree this year. Knowing my little girl, she'll be trying to figure out a way to climb it - with help from the cat.
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