Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My bad, this is my third daughter

Erika has long been BFFs with our neighbor, Carissa, who is 13. We share a backyard so they've played together since they were 4 and 5 and she practically lives at our house.

Carissa told me Sunday that really, this baby will be my THIRD daughter, since she's my second daughter. I said yep, that was true.

We took the girls to the cabin later and my sister-in-law helped the girls and my nephews tie-dye t-shirts. They had a lot of fun, and while Carissa didn't have a t-shirt, she tie-dyed a baby onesie I brought for her "little sister." It's very cute. She did a great job.

Carissa said she's going to be at our house everyday once the baby is born. I'm not sure how that will be any different than it is now, but that's OK by me. The more helping hands, the better.

We had a busy but fun Fourth of July weekend. We spent the majority of the time at the cabin, hanging out with my in-laws. My friend Suzy joined me and Erika and Erika's friend Kat at the Brainerd Fourth of July fireworks. It's fun to watch the display from the football field but apparently babies, even those still nestled inside a well-insulated tummy, don't like fireworks. Little did I know. The baby was moving around so wildly that I thought she was trying to hide behind my kidneys. Hopefully she won't remember the trauma after she's born.

Poor little girl. I promised her she wouldn't have to endure the fireworks next year. Not the big bangs, just the little stuff that her daddy and his brothers like to fire off at the cabin on the Fourth.

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