Monday, November 06, 2006

There's a separation of church and state for a reason

If I have to watch one more political ad on TV I think I'm going to vomit. I can't wait until Wednesday when this whole election is over. I'll be busy working all night I'm sure covering the local House races. Hopefully results will magically come in early so I can get outta here.

I've been trying to get Erika to come with me to go vote (They have a Kids Voting program here where kids can vote, obviously unofficially, at the same time as their parents) but she refuses because she's sick of all the campaign ads.

So I've been trying to become more involved with my church lately ... Erika enjoys the youth activities, including being a member of the church drama club, and she's also involved in Confirmation. Also, I've been having fun teaching Sunday school to the 3-year-olds.

I get a lot of e-mails from our youth director about various events and I've been trying to volunteer often in some capacity. I was a waitress at the recent lutefisk supper and then I helped with this intergenerational Reformation Day event last weekend.

Anyway, so I open up an e-mail from her today and it's a forwarded message from Dr. James Dobson to his "Minnesota friends," telling us why we need to vote for Mark Kennedy, rather than Amy Klobuchar. She had literally e-mailed at least 100 people, including all the Sunday School teachers.

So I'm now fuming. I don't need to be told whom I should vote for ... I'm capable of figuring that out for myself.

Nels doesn't think it's such a big deal, that people are entitled to their own opinions and just delete the e-mails. (She sent it to me twice.) But I feel if I don't stand up and say something, that it looks like I'm complacent. Then again, I may change my mind once my blood pressure returns to normal.

In any case, I think it's best when the church butts out of my politics ... and politics butts out of my church.

I'll step down from the pulpit now. :)

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